New Social Media Pages Coming Soon!

Recap of Previous Articles

monoca 2

Sola of America’s three most popular apps are monoca 2, Bouquet, and accoca. Monoca 2 is a fully customizable, organization app capable of logging and categorizing both physical and digital objects. In previous articles, we discussed using monoca 2 for tracking camping equipment, managing a vinyl record collection, and even for building a recipe collection.

monoca 2 Case Study: Camping Equipment

monoca 2 Case Study: Vinyl Record

monoca 2 for Cooking Recipes


For Bouquet, we showcased how to load a previous project (mosaic), start a new workspace, and edit the mosaic tiles (photo pieces). Then, we demonstrated how to use the myriad effects, filters, and image sliders to further tailor any mosaic to your unique style. Finally, we explored purchasing a ticket to export high-resolution mosaics.

Bouquet: Photo Mosaic Tutorial

Advanced Features of Bouquet

Storing and Starting a New Mosaic

Purchase and Export High Resolution Mosaics


In a world where more and more of society’s interactions and transactions occur online, keeping sensitive information like passwords and personally identifying information away from bad actors (hackers) is critical. Take five or ten minutes to browse through your old emails and consider the kind of information in your own digital footprint.

Speaking personally, I think the fallout from a simple email hack would be devastating. Years of communications, purchase receipts, and financial documents like bank statements, would potentially be exposed. With many companies pushing for ‘paperless’ billing and statements, the volume of sensitive information stored in email servers is only going to grow. 

With accoca, a localized password vault, the user can safely and securely store their usernames, passwords, credit cards, and other sensitive data on their mobile device. For a small fee, the fully unlocked version of accoca can even use OCR to read text, and auto-generate complex, difficult to hack passwords that are a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Remember, the most secure online experience comes from having non-repeated, complex passwords for each account. In that way, should one account become compromised, the others will remain unaffected.

Upcoming Announcements

New Social Media Platforms

While Sola K.K. is already popular in Japan, Sola of America, Inc., the U.S. division, is just getting started. As a part of our ongoing efforts to bring our user base the best possible apps and experiences, we’re in the process of launching new Instagram and Facebook accounts. In addition to email, you’ll be able to receive regular updates from the company and interact with us on a more personal level.

As a smaller technology company, Sola genuinely cares about and wants to hear your feedback. Is there a bug we overlooked in the app, a feature you really appreciate, or a new feature you’d like to see added? Tell us about it! From your interactions with us, we can further refine Sola’s software offerings to better suit your needs as the user. We’re constantly looking for ways to improve them ourselves, but nothing beats real feedback from the community.


Up until this point, demonstrations and explanations on how to use monoca 2, Bouquet, and accoca were done via blog-style articles on the website. While the written word is great for instruction, live video tutorials can showcase an app’s usage real-time. In the coming months, expect additional content on social media, including notifications when new articles are published.

We’re also planning on doing limited giveaways for discounts on purchasing the unlocked version of the software, or in some instances, completely free. Be sure and subscribe to be the first to know about where to find the promo codes.  


While Instagram is better suited for short-form video format, Facebook excels at static posts. As we work to build our Facebook page, be sure and follow us for company updates, discount codes, and contests.

More than the software itself, we want to build a community of enthusiasts who appreciate the utility and convenience Sola’s apps. If there is an update, we’ll tell you about it and what’s included. New blog articles will also be posted there in short form with links to the Sola website.

Please like and share the page with your friends. As all the software is free to use, we’re trying to grow our community and provide the best possible experience for everyone.

Where to Download

monoca 2: App Store & Google Play Store

Bouquet: App Store

accoca: App Store

Sola Website:

Next Article: Closet (Clothing) Management

While not as popular a movement in the United States as compared to Japan, minimalism does have a following. In its traditional form, minimalists will establish a limit to the total number of possessions they can own. Many in Japan take this limit to the extreme by counting all their possessions—a task traditional Americans may balk at. However, over-buying of clothing is an issue many can relate to. Just look on Facebook Marketplace at all the listing saying, “Selling because I have too many [insert clothing type here].”

In our next article, we’ll look at placing a limit on the clothing items in one’s closet as a mental exercise in decluttering.

Thank you for reading! As always, comment below or write the author at for any feedback, suggestions on future articles, or compliments!


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