Category: Bouquet
vTuber and Bouquet
Introduction Today we’re taking our typical Bouquet article style in a totally different direction. In the past, we’ve focused our Bouquet photo mosaic content mostly on creating family memories. Using photos from birthdays, vacations, and special events, it’s possible to quickly and easily turn those moments into stunning photo mosaics with only a few taps…
New Social Media Pages Coming Soon!
Recap of Previous Articles monoca 2 Sola of America’s three most popular apps are monoca 2, Bouquet, and accoca. Monoca 2 is a fully customizable, organization app capable of logging and categorizing both physical and digital objects. In previous articles, we discussed using monoca 2 for tracking camping equipment, managing a vinyl record collection, and…
Purchase and Export High Resolution Mosaics
Introduction In the process of writing these articles, I’ve come to genuinely appreciate the ease with which one can create photo mosaics with Bouquet. Many of Sola’s past articles go into greater detail how to create a photo mosaic, use Bouquet’s advanced editing features, as well as store and restore previous projects. Previous articles are…
Storing and Starting a New Mosaic
Introduction In our previous article, ‘Advanced Features of Bouquet’, we demonstrated some of the more advanced image editing features. Using the Primary Effect Filters and Image Alpha slider, there are nearly unlimited combinations of personalized photo mosaics just a tap away. Re-opening the app after closing saves your progress, but what happens when you want…
Advanced Features of Bouquet
Introduction This is the third installment showcasing the photo mosaic app—Bouquet. Bouquet is a simple to use software that can quickly turn any group of photos into a unique and personalized mosaic. In less than one minute, the user can go from grabbing a handful of images from their camera roll or Google Photos account…
Bouquet: Photo Mosaic Tutorial
Introduction The Holiday Season is just around the corner! Thanksgiving, Christmas, also Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Rohatsu, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, so many different reasons to gather with friends and family to relax, cook, eat, and of course, take photos and make lasting memories. In our first article from September of this year, we…
Introducing Bouquet: Create Stunning Photo Mosaics
Bouquet is an easy-to-use app that automatically creates stunning mosaics from your own collection of photos and videos. Compatible with iOS and MacOS, Bouquet can pull from an entire photo library, or the user can set the software to produce a mosaic from select images only. When the new image is generated, individual pieces can…