Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy

With respect to the protection of all personal information handled by Sola K.K. (hereinafter “the Company”), the Company is fully aware of its social mission, and complies with laws and regulations regarding the protection of the rights of the individual and personal information. In addition, the Company hereby declare that the Company has established a personal information protection management system to realize the following policies, and that the Company will make company-wide efforts to continuously improve the system while always recognizing the latest trends in IT technologies, changes in social demands, and changes in the business environment.

  1. When handling personal information, the Company acquires, uses, and provides personal information appropriately within the scope necessary for its business, employee recruitment, and personnel management. The Company also takes measures to ensure that personal information is not used or provided for any other purpose beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use.
  2. The Company complies with laws and ordinances, national guidelines, and other norms regarding the handling of personal information.
  3. The Company will continuously improve its personal information security system by investing management resources that match its business conditions to prevent the risk of leakage, loss, or damage of personal information by taking reasonable security measures. In the event of an emergency, the Company will promptly take corrective actions.
  4. The Company appoints a person in charge of the personal information management, gives him/her responsibility and authority for the implementation and operation of the personal information protection management system, and manages personal information appropriately.
  5. The company will provide appropriate guidance and training to all employees who handle personal information, periodically audit the operation of the personal information protection management system, review the system, and strive for its continuous improvement and enhancement.
  6. The Company has established a contact point for inquiries on personal information, including requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, refusal to use, provision of personal information, complaints or consultations.

Established on June 25, 2013
Most recently revised on May 28, 2024

Sola K.K.
Representative Director Keisuke Yoshimura

Inquiries regarding the Company’s privacy policy are accepted at the following contact.

Personal Information Inquiry Desk
To: Personal Information Protection Manager
Head of General Affairs Department

Regarding the Handling of Personal Information

Company Name, Address, and Representative’s Name

Sola K.K.
6-14-3 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo, 101-0021 Japan
Representative Director Keisuke Yoshimura

1.Purpose of Use
Personal information shall be used within the scope of the purpose for which it was obtained and only by authorized persons in accordance with their specific duties and to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties.

1.1. Personal information obtained directly from the person in writing (including websites), and retained personal data

Personal information of employee– For human resources, general affairs, and various business management
– For public relations and recruitment of the Company
Personal information of applicants for employment– For recruitment process (employment consideration, interviews, and other related communications)
Personal information of the Company’s clients– For sales activities such as offer, contact, and meetings of the Company’s services
– For providing information of the Company’s services
– For contract and billing procedures
– For response to inquiries
Personal information of the Company’s business partners– For sales activities such as offer, contact, and meetings of the Company’s services
– For report and communication on the Company’s projects
– For preparation of submission of business documents such as contracts and quotations
Personal information of users of the Company’s services– For registration of the Company’s services, offer of the services, and shipment of products
– For maintenance and improvement of the services
– For response to information and inquiries about our services
Personal information provided in inquiries– For response to inquiries

1.2. Personal information obtained by means other than directly in writing

Personal information entrusted by clients– To carry out the Company’s business
Personal information of recruitment applicants provided by job search websites, recruitment agencies, etc.– For employment selection

* Personal information held by the client that is viewed and used in connection with the work which the Company takes will be handled appropriately in accordance with the client’s rules, and personal information will be used only to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of the work.

2.Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Personal information held by the Company will not be provided to third parties without prior consent of the individual, except as required by law.

3.Outsourcing of Personal Information

The Company may entrust the personal information it has received to third parties in order to fulfill the above-stated purposes of use.
When outsourcing all or part of the handling of personal data held by the Company to external parties, it will enter into necessary contracts and carry out appropriate management and supervision.

4.Voluntariness of Information Provision

Providing personal information to the Company is voluntary. However, if there are any omissions or errors in the information, it may not be possible to ship products or communicate properly.

5.Acquisition of Personal Information by Methods Not Recognizable by the Individual

The Company does not acquire personal information by methods that are not recognizable by the individual. In the event that it acquires personal information in such a manner, it will notify the individual and obtain their consent before doing so.

6.Measures Taken for the Safe Management of Retained Personal Data

Specific security control measures taken by the Company are as follows:5.1. Formulation of Basic PolicyIn order to ensure the proper handling of personal information, the Company formulated this policy (Personal Information Protection Policy) regarding “Compliance with Related Laws, Regulations and Guidelines,” “Matters Concerning Security Control Measures for Personal Information,” “Personal Information Inquiry Desk,” etc.5.2. Maintenance of Rules for Handling Personal DataIn its personal data protection manual, the Company has established basic handling methods when acquiring, using, and storing personal information.5.3. Organizational Security Control MeasuresIn addition to appointing a person in charge of the handling of personal data, the Company clarifies the personnel who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled by such personnel, and has established a system for reporting to the responsible person in the event that the Company becomes aware of facts or signs of violation of laws or regulations.5.4. Personnel Security Control MeasuresThe Company has executed “non-disclosure agreements” with employees, maintained employment regulations, and thoroughly informed and trained employees about precautions regarding the handling of personal information.5.5. Physical Security Control MeasuresThe Company implements measures such as locking and storing documents and external media to prevent loss or theft; disposing of personal information by cutting, incineration, dissolution, or other means that are extremely difficult to restore; prohibiting the removal of personal information without the consent of the responsible person; and encrypting and sealing personal information when it is carried.5.6. Technical Security Control MeasuresAccess control is implemented to limit the handlers and the scope of personal information database handled.5.7. Understanding of External EnvironmentWhen personal data is handled in a foreign country, the necessary security control measures are taken based on an understanding of the systems, etc. concerning the protection of personal information in that foreign country.

Privacy Policy for Use of Google APIs

  • The smartphone apps “Bouquet” which the Company provides may use the Google Photos API for the purpose of retrieving data from the users’ Google Photos. The app will use the Google Photos API only if the users agree to it. The data to be acquired is the information the users have stored in Google Photos, such as images, videos, and album names, and the acquired data will be stored on the users’ device. The Company do not use the information stored on the users’ device.
  • The smartphone apps “monoca,” “kotoca,” “accoca,” “Michi-no-eki Meguri” and “Caho’s password management” which the Company provides may use Google Drive API for the purpose of storing application data. These services use Google Drive API only when the users agree to it. The Company do not use the stored information. The use of information received from the Google API and its transfer to other apps is governed by the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use Requirements.
  • The smartphone apps “monoca,” “kotoca” and “Caho’s password management” which the Company provides may use Google Calendar API to reflect the information the users have registered on Google Calendar. These services use Google Calendar API only when the users agree to it. The Company will not use the registered information.

Please visit the following website for Google’s privacy policy:

Privacy Policy for Use of Instagram Basic Display API

  • The app “Bouquet” provided by the Company may use the Instagram Basic Display API for the purpose of retrieving the users’ images, videos, and albums. The app will use the Instagram Basic Display API only if the users agree to it. The acquired data will be stored on the users’ device and used only to create mosaic art. The users can delete these data by uninstalling the app.
  • If the user request deletion of his/her personal data and the Company deems it necessary to comply with the request, it will delete the personal data after confirming that the request is made by the user himself/herself and notify the user to that effect. If the Company receive a request for deletion of data related to an individual provided by the Instagram Basic Display API via the inquiry form, it will promptly deal with the request in accordance with the terms and conditions.

7.Procedures for Requests for Disclosure or Records of Third-Party Provision of Retained Personal Data

For requests regarding the notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties (disclosure, etc.) of personal information held by the Company, or requests for records of third-party provision, it will promptly respond by the method requested by the individual. For specific procedures for requests for disclosure, etc. (contact point, application form, identification, fees, etc.), please contact the “Personal Information Inquiry Desk” below.

8.Inquiries and Complaints Regarding Personal Information

Personal Information Inquiry Desk
To: Personal Information Protection Manager
Head of General Affairs Department