Information Security Policy

Based on our management philosophy, we have established our information security policy as follows.

1. Compliance

We comply with relevant laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Law, the Unfair Competition Prevention Law, and the Copyright Law, and at the same time act on information security management appropriately based on requests from stakeholders including business partners.

2. Information security management

We will manage information reliably so that leakage, loss, damage, and unauthorized use of important information such as confidential information and personal information of customers will not occur. Information concerning any projects will not be disclosed beyond the stipulated range even among employees. In the event of a violation, we will apply the disciplinary measures stipulated in the employment rules.Also, when considering outsourcing, we will also make sure about information security.

3. Continuous Improvement of Information Security Management System

Through information security activities based on the PDCA cycle, we will maintain the level achieved and implement continuous improvement. We are informing everyone from officers to employees about our information security policy and train through daily work and special education on the subject to ensure that they have all the necessary knowledge and judgment.

4. Responding to external and internal environmental changes

We will conduct risk assessments in response to changes in areas of our business activities, handling information assets, information, and communication technologies, and review the mechanism of information security management.

September 29, 2023
Sola of America, Inc.
CEO : Keisuke Yoshimura